Say I have tables like this:
object Leagues : IntIdTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 50).uniqueIndex()
object Matches: IntIdTable() {
val game = reference("game", Games)
object Users: IntIdTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 50).uniqueIndex()
object Bets: IntIdTable() {
val match = reference("match", Matches)
val user = reference("user", Users)
Daos are in the lines of:
class Bet(id: EntityID<Int>) : IntEntity(id) {
companion object : IntEntityClass<Bet>(Bets)
var match by Bets.match
var user by Bets.user
How do I write the dao or the query for the Bets class so I can query "give me all bets player X has made in league Y". Bet.find { (user eq X) and (/* what here to get the leagues table ? */) }
val bets = Bet.wrapRows(
Bets.innerJoin(Matches).innerJoin(Leagues).select {
Bets.user eq and ( eq "Y"