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Using Serilog with .Net core and App Insights

I have used App insights directly for application logging before and I have seen that .Net core platform also creates trace events that goes to App insights.

In a new .Net core API application, I'd like to use Serilog for application logging and App Insight for storing and visualizing the log events. I'd like to know:

  1. How to continue to get the .Net core .created trace events to App insights?

  2. How can I pass correlation Id from my application to .Net core created trace events?

  3. Will end to end transaction feature in App insight portal show all the events together? It is important for me to know and keep an eye on the latency of SQL calls.


  • If you are using ILogger in .Net core for logging purposes, those message can be directed to Application Insights with the following modification of startup.cs:

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    /*...existing code..*/
                loggerFactory.AddApplicationInsights(app.ApplicationServices, LogLevel.Warning);

    If you employ your own correlation ID, you can modify Application Insights correlation IDs accordingly in Context.Operation field of telemetry item with your own Telemetry Initializer or pass those values in the respective headers (Request-ID (global ID) and Correlation-Context (name-value pairs)) in the requests to this app - AI will pick up correlation IDs from those.

    The end to end transaction is supposed to be displayed together (Requests/Dependencies and Exceptions) on a timeline in the details view of Application Insights telemetry. With you own correlation IDs it should work as well if they are in there from the very beginning of transaction (e.g. in the first component) - otherwise injecting them in the middle will break the chain.