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How to use javascript with multiple elememts having the same id?

I need to manipulate certain elements having some ids using javascript. I do not control the code so unfortunately I cannot rewrite the code with unique ids. For example:

<div id="abc">
     <p class="xyz">10</p>

<div id="abc">
   <p class="xyz">20</p>

The content inside the p tags is guaranteed to be unique. So, I need to perform some operations on the basis of the content inside the p tags.

But if I use DOM to select by id, which of the div would be selected and how do I ensure that I select the required element ?


  • Obviously, having unique IDs is optimal, however, in the case that it is unavoidable, you can work with it like so:

    var abcs = document.querySelectorAll("#abc");
    abcs[0].querySelector(".xyz").style.background = "green";
    abcs[1].querySelector(".xyz").style.background = "red";
    <div id="abc">
         <p class="xyz">10</p>
    <div id="abc">
       <p class="xyz">20</p>

    Note the use of document.querySelectorAll() instead of document.getElementById(). That is because querySelectorAll will grab all matching elements, whereas getElementById() will only grab the first one.

    More specific to your example:

    var abcs = document.querySelectorAll("#abc");
    function setAbcByContent(contentValue, color) {
      abcs.forEach(function (elem) {
        if (elem.querySelector(".xyz").innerText === contentValue) {
 = color;
    setAbcByContent("10", "green");
    setAbcByContent("20", "red");
    <div id="abc">
         <p class="xyz">10</p>
    <div id="abc">
       <p class="xyz">20</p>