We're running a Rails 5.1 app on ECS using a docker image based on the official ruby:2.4.2
On many deploys we receive this exception, from what I understand from the old process:
SignalException: SIGTERM - SignalException in at_exit
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-3.11.0/lib/puma/launcher.rb:397 :in `block in setup_signals`
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-3.11.0/lib/puma/single.rb:106 :in `join`
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-3.11.0/lib/puma/single.rb:106 :in `run`
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-3.11.0/lib/puma/launcher.rb:183 :in `run`
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-3.11.0/lib/puma/cli.rb:77 :in `run`
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/puma-3.11.0/bin/puma:10 :in `<top (required)>`
/usr/local[GEM_ROOT]/bin/puma:21 :in `load`
19 require "bundler/setup"
21 load Gem.bin_path("puma", "puma")
/usr/local[GEM_ROOT]/bin/puma:21 :in `<main>`
I found this suggesting that setting BUNDLE_DISABLE_EXEC_LOAD
to true
would resolve the issue, but it did not.
Also, note the in at_exit
part. Is it possible that our shutdown takes too long so ECS sends another SIGTERM
before the process terminated properly?
The command is
"command": [
and bin/ecs
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
"webserver" => "puma -C config/puma.rb",
"sidekiq" => "sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml"
system("bundle", "exec", "rake", "db:abort_if_pending_migrations")
exit $?.exitstatus unless $?.success?
command = COMMANDS[ARGV.first].split(" ")
We do this to avoid running a shell somewhere because that swallows signals. We also set a high stop timeout to make sure long-running sidekiq tasks don't get killed:
The container exits quite fast, so the timeout is not the problem. If it would be killed, it also couldn't report about it, could it?
Seems like Honeybadger is reporting the signal exception, but should ignore it. And it will with the next release after 3.3.0 (not yet released) https://github.com/honeybadger-io/honeybadger-ruby/pull/269