I have an extremely simple single-page dashboard that does things like grab the weather, the subway alerts, etc. and I refresh it locally on my machine. It looked like:
And I wanted to convert it to TypeScript. I ported script.js
to TypeScript, but in order to use jQuery had to download the definition file from here. I now have:
The first two lines of my TypeScript file are:
/// <reference path ="./jquery.d.ts"/>
import * as $ from "jquery"
When I run tsc *.ts
, it compiles my script successfully, but the first four lines of the resulting/compiled JavaScript file are:
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
/// <reference path ="./jquery.d.ts"/>
var $ = require("jquery");
And this fails in my browser with:
exports.__esModule = true; // Can't find variable: exports
I'm a pretty weak front-end developer beyond HTML/JS/jQuery, so I'm not sure where to start - I did some Googling but not much came up.
If you mean so...
use declare var $: JQuery
if the type is defined
else use declare vas $: any
for the case that your editor (f.e. VSCode) supports script var declarations use
name: "$",
type: JQuery (or any),
ofReference: {
scriptSrc: ["*jquery.js", "*jquery.min.js", "*code.jquery*"]