I am trying to reload the page on click of radio buttons (list of cities) by providing the value of radio buttons as query-parameters in URL. Suppose my current URL is
And on the selection of any radio button, I want its value to be added to city
parameter in URL.
So desired URL should be
But the problem is while modifying the URL, the sub_categories
are automatically getting stripped off and final URL I am getting is this.
Here is my code for manipulating URL:
$(document).on('click', '.city-selector' ,function(event) {
event.preventDefault() ;
var city_name = this.labels[0].textContent.trim().split("(")[0].trim() ;
var location_string = window.location['href'].split('?');
if(location_string.length > 1 && location_string[1].indexOf("city") > -1){
var all_params = location_string[1].split("&") ;
all_params.splice(all_params.indexOf("city=" + gon.selected_city), 1) ;
all_params.splice(all_params.indexOf("localities=" + gon.selected_localities), 1) ;
gon.selected_localities = '' ;
location_string[1] = all_params.join("&") ;
location_string[1] = location_string[1] + "&city=" + city_name ;
window.location.href = location_string[0] + "?" +location_string[1] ;
}) ;
HINT: Problem lies in line
location_string = window.location['href'].split('?');
When I log the location_string
array it doesn't contain the sub_categories
Nou sure which thing is stripping it off.
I think you should use regular expression to replace url:
var url = 'http://localhost:3001/offers?category=Dining&sub_categories=Home%20Delivery&city=';
var cityName = 'Mumbai';
var cityParams = 'city=' + cityName;
var newUrl = url + '&' + cityParams;
if (url.indexOf('?') === -1) {
newUrl = url + '?' + cityParams;
} else if (url.indexOf('city=') > -1) {
newUrl = url.replace(/(city=[\w\d%_]*)/g, cityParams);
It also working with url like: http://localhost:3001/offers?category=Dining?city=hanoi&sub_categories=Home%20Delivery