I am working with nicks (given names).
When a user registers, you must enter your nick, the same, it cannot contain symbols (except the underscore), only numbers and letters.
I use the KeyPress
event of my TextBox
Username for this:
private bool Handled = false;
private void Username_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar)) this.Handled = false;
if (e.KeyChar == '\b') this.Handled = false; //Backspace key
if (e.KeyChar == '_' && !((TextBox)sender).Text.Contains("_") && ((TextBox)sender).Text.Length > 0) this.Handled = false;
else this.Handled = true;
e.Handled = Handled;
This piece of code prevents that symbols (different from " _ "), the content starts with " _ " and used more than one underscore "H_E_L_L_O" written, but they need to prevent that the underscore can be used at the end, I mean:
Allow: Hell_o
Prevent: Hello_
Is this possible?
I also used
but, the result is the same:
if(TextBox.Text.Last() == '_')
// Handled = true;
You can't do this unless you can read the user's mind :) After all, the user might want to put Hell_o
like in your example but to type that they first need to type "Hell_" so you can't stop them at that point. The best you're probably going to do is handle the "Validating" event on the UserName control.
private void UserName_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {
errorProvider1.SetError(UserName, "");
if (UserName.Text.EndsWith("_")) {
errorProvider1.SetError(UserName, "Stuff is wrong");
Then in your "register" button click or whatever, check whether that control is (or any control you care about) is in error.