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get headers from get Http request in Angular

I'm making a call to an API that gets blob data.

back end sends to me also file name in header.

My actual problem is that I can't get header from the api.

Here's my service.ts

public openFile(path) {
  let url='/download/';
  let pathFile= new HttpParams().set('pathFile', path);
  return this.httpClient.get(url,{params:pathFile, responseType: 'blob' });

and in component.ts I call the service. when I try to print the res.headers I get undefined in console.

  this.creditPoliciesService.openFile(path).toPromise().then (data => {
    console.log("dataaaaaa",data.headers); // undefined
    var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/pdf'}); 
    if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
    else {
      var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);;

In the dev tool admin I get informations in response header but I'm not able to find them in the response variable.


  • pass observe key with value of ‘response’ to get the complete response

    getData() {
     this.http.get(this.url, { observe: 'response' }).subscribe(res => {
       this.headerProperty = res.headers.get('property name here');