How do i get the full text content of an html email as single line string in rspec?
Let's say this is the mail.html.haml:
This product is worth:
= @amount
So buy it now!
In rspec i send the email first and then do this:
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.html_part.body).to include("This product is worth: €30 So buy it now")
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.html_part.body.raw_source).to include("This product is worth: €30 So buy it now")
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.html_part.body.raw_source).to have_content("This product is worth: €30 So buy it now")
These doesnt work because the html outputs to rspec like this:
+ This product is worth:
+ €30
+ So buy it now!
So my original code is right but i cant seem to grab it in rspec. How do i combine these 3 lines to 1 single line so i can call include or have_content on it correctly?
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.html_part.body.raw_source).to have_content(%q|This product is worth:
So buy it now!|)
This product is worth:
So buy it now!
Good luck!
The answer was simple. The HAML needs to be inline like this:
%p This product is worth: #{@amount} So buy it now!
or the variable needs to be interpolated like this:
This product is worth:
So buy it now!