Thanks for reading my question in advance. I'm using the dva and Ant Design Mobile of React handling phone register function.
Before sending the verify code, I will judge if the phone has been registered. If yes, it will Toast " This phone has been registered".
Now, the return value is correct:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
// {code: 221, message: "This phone has been registered"}
So I write it as:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
returnData: state.register.message
And then when I click the button, it will dispatch an action (send a request):
getVerifyCode() {
const { form, returnData } = this.props;
const { getFieldsValue } = form;
const values = getFieldsValue();
purpose: 'register',
// if(returnData.code === 221){
//"This phone has been registered", 1);
// } else {
// Toast.success("Send verify code successfully", 1);
// }
But when I tried to add the if...else condiction according to the return value
if(returnData.code === 221){"This phone has been registered", 1);
} else {
Toast.success("Send verify code successfully", 1);
only to get the error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'code' of undefined
I supposed it's the problem about aynchromous and tried to use async await:
async getVerifyCode() {
await this.props.dispatcher.register.send({
purpose: 'register',
But get the same error
Cannot read property 'code' of undefined
I wonder why and how to fix this problem ?
added: this is the models
import * as regiserService from '../services/register';
export default {
namespace: 'register',
state: {},
subscriptions: {
reducers: {
save(state, { payload: { data: message, code } }) {
return { ...state, message, code };
effects: {
*send({ payload }, { call, put }) {
const { data } = yield call(regiserService.sendAuthCode, { ...payload });
const message = data.message;
yield put({ type: 'save', payload: { data },});
handle conditions in the models solved the problem:
*send({ payload }, { call, put }) {
const { data } = yield call(regiserService.sendAuthCode, { ...payload });
if(data.code === 221){"This phone has been registered", 1);
} else {
Toast.success("Send verify code successfully", 1);
yield put({ type: 'save', payload: { data }});