I am trying to embed a HTML WYSIWYG Raptor Editor on a website. On the Raptor site, the directions say to just add the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/raptor.min.js"></script>
<div class="raptor-editable">
Raptor may be integrated into a site many ways.
This article aims to cover the simplest integration possible.
jQuery(function($) {
This code is supposed to allow users to edit any element on a page with the editor.
I created a textarea:
<textarea id="editor"></textarea>
When I add the following JavaScript code, the textarea changes size, so I assume the code is doing something, however, I can't get an editor with toolbars and buttons to show up:
jQuery(function($) {
How can I get the editor to show up? Am I doing something wrong?
Turns out I had another CSS file that was conflicting with the Raptor Editor code.
If you face a similar issue, I would suggest removing or disabling other CSS and JS dependencies to see if a different file has code that is overriding the Raptor code.