I'm currently translating portions of the chem4word project from C# to AS3.
In the below code the XElement DelegateElement
calls its Remove()
method. If mark == true
then it passes that XElement
to have an XAttribute "deleted" = "true"
but if the node has been removed what does c# / Linq actually do?
private XElement DelegateElement;
public void DeleteSimple(bool mark)
if (IsDeleted())
Log.Debug("WARN: Trying to delete previously deleted CMLElement " + GetTag());
if (this.DelegateElement.Parent != null)
// Here, if the XElement is being removed,
// where does the MarkAsDeleted method add
// the XAttribute?
if (mark)
private void MarkAsDeleted(XElement delegateElement)
// Deleted = "deleted; True = "true"
delegateElement.Add(new XAttribute(Deleted, True));
just for 'fun' here is the as3 version of the code. Following the above c# way, the deleted node will not get a new attribute (or any new information) added to the xml.
private var DelegateElement:XML;
public function DeleteSimple(mark:Boolean):void
if( IsDeleted() )
// log output
if( this.DelegateElement.parent() != null )
delete this.DelegateElement.parent().children()[this.DelegateElement.childIndex()];
if( mark )
private function MarkAsDeleted(delegateElement:XML):void
delegateElement['@'+Deleted] = True;
Calling Remove()
just pulls the element out of its parent.
The element itself will continue to work fine.