I have a javascript function to countdown a timer. So I want to add pause option to this function. I tried this way,
function countdownTimeStart() {
var el = document.getElementById('demo');
var pause= document.getElementById('pause');
var time = [10,10,10];
var x = setInterval(function () {
var hours = time[0];
var minutes = time[1];
var seconds = time[2]--;
if (time[2] == -1) {
time[2] = 59 }
function pauseTimer() {
savedTime = time;
pause.addEventListener( 'click', pauseTimer);
if( seconds == 0 && minutes == 0 && hours == 0 ){
el.innerHTML = "00:00:00";
} else if (seconds < 10) {
el.innerHTML = hours + ": " + minutes + ": " + "0" + seconds + " ";
} else {
el.innerHTML = hours + ": " + minutes + ": " + seconds + " ";
}, 1000);
<button id="pause" class="pause">Pause</button>
<div id="demo"></div>
The countdown timer working correctly. But the pause option not working. So how can I correct this script. Can someone help me.
Although your code is working, I would like to note a couple of things: adding your pause handler inside your interval
isn't a good idea, you will be adding a pause handler every interval, so in the end you are just stacking up the amount of functions to handle when clicking. I have made your button toggle and separated out the event listener into a handler function so you can attach it to any button. These changes will keep your code working fluently while also making it easier to understand:
function initCountdown() {
function event_click( event ){
// If our interval is null, we need to start the counter
// And also change the innerText so its obvious what the button will do next
if( interval === null ){
event.target.innerText = 'pause';
} else {
event.target.innerText = 'start';
function start(){
// First use pause() to be sure all intervals are cleared
// it prevents them from doubling up
interval = setInterval( count, 1000 );
function pause() {
clearInterval( interval );
interval = null;
function count(){
// By doing this before declaring your variables
// you make it so the variables actually hold the new calculated values.
if( time[2] == -1 ){
time[2] = 59;
// Lets use some cool new syntax here to reduce the amount of code needed
// this will destructure an array assigning their indexed values to the index of the variable
var [ hours, minutes, seconds ] = time;
if( seconds == 0 && minutes == 0 && hours == 0 ){
clearInterval( interval );
// We always want to print something, and if the values are 0
// the output is still the same, so lets seperate that.
if (seconds < 10) {
outputElement.innerHTML = hours + ": " + minutes + ": " + "0" + seconds + " ";
} else {
outputElement.innerHTML = hours + ": " + minutes + ": " + seconds + " ";
// Lets also clearly name our things.
var outputElement = document.getElementById('demo');
var toggleElement = document.getElementById('toggle');
var interval = null;
var time = [10,10,10];
// Add event listener once
toggleElement.addEventListener( 'click', event_click );
<button id="toggle">start</button>
<div id="demo"></div>
Update Adding a cancel button:
function initCountdown() {
function event_click_cancel( event ){
time = [ 0, 0, 0 ];
function event_click_startpause( event ){
// If our interval is null, we need to start the counter
// And also change the innerText so its obvious what the button will do next
if( interval === null ){
event.target.innerText = 'pause';
} else {
event.target.innerText = 'start';
function start(){
// First use pause() to be sure all intervals are cleared
// it prevents them from doubling up
interval = setInterval( count, 1000 );
function pause() {
clearInterval( interval );
interval = null;
function print(){
// I have separated out the print function as we want to use it
// in the count and the cancel function
var [ hours, minutes, seconds ] = time;
if( seconds == 0 && minutes == 0 && hours == 0 ){
clearInterval( interval );
if (seconds < 10) {
outputElement.innerHTML = hours + ": " + minutes + ": " + "0" + seconds + " ";
} else {
outputElement.innerHTML = hours + ": " + minutes + ": " + seconds + " ";
function count(){
// By doing this before declaring your variables
// you make it so the variables actually hold the new calculated values.
if( time[2] == -1 ){
time[2] = 59;
// Lets also clearly name our things.
var outputElement = document.getElementById('demo');
var toggleElement = document.getElementById('toggle');
var cancelElement = document.getElementById('cancel');
var interval = null;
var time = [10,10,10];
// Add event listener once
toggleElement.addEventListener( 'click', event_click_startpause );
cancelElement.addEventListener( 'click', event_click_cancel );
<button id="toggle">start</button>
<button id="cancel">cancel</button>
<div id="demo"></div>