I am using Ckeditor image upload functionality in my admin panel. everything is working fine as per admin panel requirements but in my REST API i need the full url of image file inserted inside ckeditor using ckfinder plugin following format is stored in db
<p><img alt="" src="/food/kcfinder/uploads/images/karunanidhi-759.jpg" style="height:422px; width:759px
what I try : i used following to replace the $quot;
$product_des = htmlspecialchars_decode(str_replace(""", "\"", $product_des));
but here am facing a problem which is when i replace $quote; it is working fine but i want to replace the src as full path so it will work in my API src="/food/kcfinder/uploads/images/karunanidhi-759.jpg" TO src=www.mydomain/food/kcfinder/uploads/images/karunanidhi-759.jpg is there any way to do this help me out please am stucked
$product_des = $records1['description'];
$product_des = htmlspecialchars_decode(str_replace(""", "\"", $product_des));
$remove[] = "src=";
$product_des =(str_replace($remove, $srcfull, $product_des));
which version of ck editor you are using? give us more details
i suggest you to do try in this way
$remove[] = "'";
$remove[] = '"';
$remove[] = "`"; // just as another example
$res_address = str_replace($remove, "", $description);
you can replace as per your requirement.