I'm making a game using SFML Library, I wanna implement a function showing the seconds on the screen since the running of the program, and it will get increasing until the window is closed. I tried this:
sf::Clock clock;
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Time elapsed = clock.restart();
But I have no idea how it's work or even if it's the right function. Here is my code so far https://github.com/basmaashouur/GamesLib/blob/master/cards/main.cpp
There are multiple ways to get the number of seconds.
First of all, you can use an exclusive sf::Clock
for this that's never reset:
sf::Clock clock;
const unsigned int seconds = static_cast<unsigned int>(clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds());
As an alternative, you can use an sf::Time
to accumulate the time between frames (e.g. inside your updateGame()
sf::Clock clock;
sf::Time time;
time += clock.restart();
const unsigned int seconds = static_cast<unsigned int>(time.asSeconds());