In Eclipse, I can browse through the jars( that my project depends on) and open any class file from these jars. Once I open a class file, the source corresponding to this class file will be displayed.
But, what I can't do is edit these files and even better, be able to auto-generate the .class corresponding to the edits I have made.
For eg., lets take the log4j library. Lets say I add it to my Project's build path; once I do that the log4j jar file is visible in my Package Explorer and I would able to browse through the class files in this jar file and be able to read any class file within the jar file. What I am trying to do is be able to edit any class file (say for eg., org.apache.log4j.Appender) and auto-generate a new class corresponding to the edits I have made on this class.
Is there a plugin that would allow me to do this ??
It would be very helpful to have such a functionality especially when you are working with open-source libraries(log4j, gwt etc) and are interested in quickly testing any new functionality you would like to contribute to these open-source communities.
You can view the source code because Maven downloads and attaches the source JARs for you.