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PowerBI-Javascript embedded dashboard is not "clickable" (to drill to associated Reports, etc)

I have a scenario where I need to embed PowerBI dashboards that I am accomplishing by doing the following:

  1. Use ADAL.JS to authenticate the browser user with AD; then use an AD app to request an access token to powerbi App.
  2. Pass this access token to PowerBI-Javascript (powerbi.embed) and embed a given dashboard into my page.
  3. At this point, the dashboard shows up embedded on my page, along with all its pinned contents.

HOWEVER, the problem is that IF I try to click on any of those pinned items on the embedded dashboard, nothing happens. In contrast, when I do the same on, the underlying report loads and I get a "drill thru" behavior.

How can I implement the same type of "drill thru" behavior in the embedded case as well?


  • Here is the full source for implementing click through functionality for embedded PowerBI dashboards complete with browser history support.

        <div id="pbiIframe" class="desktop-view" style="display: block;">
        <div class="reportContainer" id="topLevelContainer"></div>
            var models = window['powerbi-client'].models;
            window.onpopstate = function (popstate) {
                console.log("popstate fired!");
                // check if popstate is available; this means user is hitting back button and 
                // we need to load the associated powerbi artifact for that nav history
                if (popstate.state != null) {
                    powerbi_embed(popstate.state.type,, popstate.state.embedUrl,
                        popstate.state.viewMode, popstate.state.pageName);
            // I pass in a Model from MVC; if page is manually refreshed, load dash from Model always
            $(document).ready(function () {
                powerbi_embed('@Model.Type', '@Model.Id', '@Model.EmbedUrl', '@Model.ViewMode', "");
            // Core helper to embed a powerbi artifact into the page dynamically
            function powerbi_embed(type, id, embedUrl, viewMode, pageName) {
                var retObj = null;
                    .done(function (token) {
                        // create embed config
                        var embedConfig = {
                            type: type,
                            id: id,
                            embedUrl: embedUrl,
                            viewMode: models.ViewMode.View,
                            tokenType: models.TokenType.Aad,
                            accessToken: token,
                            pageView: 'fitToWidth', // applies to Dashboard only; for Report, see below
                            pageName: pageName,
                            // See
                            settings: {
                                filterPaneEnabled: true,
                                navContentPaneEnabled: true,
                                background: models.BackgroundType.Transparent,
                                // START Report specific settings
                                layoutType: models.LayoutType.Custom,
                                customLayout: {
                                    displayOption: models.DisplayOption.FitToWidth
                                // END Report specific settings
                        // create new embed element (workaround due to errors from powerbi wrt embedding pbi into an already embedded element)
                        var newEl = $("<div class='reportContainer'></div>");
                        // embed
                        retObj = powerbi.embed(newEl.get(0), embedConfig);
                        // store the CURRENT embedConfig in the page's popstate
                        history.replaceState(embedConfig, 'title');
                        /************ HANDLE CLICKTHRU SCENARIOS ****************/
                        // register for tileClicked event only for dashboards (reports are not clickable, and do not raise this event)
                        if (type === 'dashboard') {
                            retObj.on('tileClicked', function (event) {
                                // in some cases, powerbi event does not contain a valid reportEmbedUrl
                                if (event.detail.reportEmbedUrl === "") {
                                    console.log("reportEmbedUrl is empty in tileClicked event, no-oping. This happens for filtered links.")
                                // preserve history so back nav works
                                console.log("tileClicked fired; save CURRENT powerbi state in popstate");
                                history.pushState(embedConfig, 'title');
                                    "", // can be left empty as reportId comes as part of reportEmbedUrl
                return retObj;