I have a large table (24 columns) that's using the tablesorter plugin, to save some space I'm using vertical images to display the titles within the header.
I have a click event attached to a few selected images, this will open up a second table (via jQuery dialog) next to the header title that was clicked. The issue I'm having is that when I click on the image the tablesorter is also sorting the column (which i don't want to happen) so I was trying to find a way to disable the sorting in some way, but only when I click on the title image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
HTML Code:
<table class="tablesorter" id="sales">
<th class="sales header" id="th_1"><img alt="" src="name.png" id="Name" onclick="openHeaderGeneric(this)"></th>
<th class="sales header" id="th_2"><img alt="" src="date.png" id="Date" onclick="openHeaderGeneric(this)"></th>
Here is the JS:
function openHeaderGeneric(element)
// event triggered by clicking on img (title) not header (th)
var thId = $('#' + element.id).parent().attr('id');
var imageId = element.id;
var offset = $("th#" + thId).offset();
var top = offset.top;
var left = offset.left;
// get width of td cell (+8 for padding)
var tdWidth = thId.split('_');
tdWidth = tdWidth[1];
var width = $("td.col_" + tdWidth).width();
left = left + width + 8;
$.fx.speeds._default = 1000;
$("#" + imageId + "_wrapper").dialog(
autoOpen : false,
show : "slide",
hide : "slide",
width : "auto",
resizable : false,
modal : false,
position : [ left, top ]
if (!$("#" + imageId + "_wrapper").dialog("isOpen"))
$("#" + imageId + "_wrapper").dialog("open");
else if ($("#" + imageId + "_wrapper").dialog("isOpen"))
$("#" + imageId + "_wrapper").dialog("close");
Add this before defining your click events. Or, if you only want to disable it for certain headers, use the IDs:
Or, if you want to be smarter about it:
jQuery.each($('.header img'), function(i, elem) {
if ($(elem).data('events') !== undefined && $(elem).data('events').click !== undefined) {
Should work I believe.