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How to Display Updated Array After Adding To It?

Just trying to figure this out, can't really get there... Basically, I have something in state called "arrayCodes" that is nothing but an array of strings. I want to type in something to add in the textbox, push it to the end of the "arrayCodes", then want the updated array to display on screen. Right now, I get 'A1A2' as the output, but I want 'A1A2(userinput)'. I've put some console logs, and it has confirmed that the user input is getting added to the state, but I can't figure out how to display it on screen. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here is the component in question:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Testing extends Component {
    state = {
        arrayCodes: ['A1', 'A2'],
        currentCode: '',

    addEditCode = (inputCode) => {
        //console.log("Add Edit Code")
        var arrayCode;
        arrayCode = this.state.arrayCodes
        console.log("array code before push", arrayCode)
        console.log("array code after push", arrayCode)
        this.setState({ arrayCodes: arrayCode })
        console.log("Array of Codes is now: ", this.state.arrayCodes)

    setCurrentCode = (input) => {
        this.setState({ currentCode: input })

    render() {
        return (
                <input type="text"
                    placeholder="Enter an edit code to add..."
                    onChange={(event) =>         
                    this.setCurrentCode(} />

                <button onClick={() => 
                this.addEditCode(this.state.currentCode)}>Click to 

                <h1>Current array in state: {this.state.arrayCodes}</h1>


export default Testing;


  • You want something like this:

    class Testing extends React.Component {
      state = {
        arrayCodes: ["A1", "A2"],
        currentCode: ""
      addEditCode = inputCode => {
        const { arrayCodes } = this.state;
        this.setState({ arrayCodes });
      setCurrentCode = input => {
        this.setState({ currentCode: input });
      render() {
        return (
              placeholder="Enter an edit code to add..."
              onChange={event => this.setCurrentCode(}
            <button onClick={() => this.addEditCode(this.state.currentCode)}>
              Click to add
              Current array in state:
              {this.state.arrayCodes.reduce((acc, c) => {
                return acc + c;
              }, "")}

    Working example here.