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Symfony embedded forms - many to many relation

I'm using symfony 1.4 and Propel as ORM. I have a form that needs to embed some other form in it. The other form is n:m relation that connects customer and some object. I can't find out how to embed it so that it displays all the objects for a customer.

Considering the following schema, I want to embed CustomerCountryGroup form in Customer form to display a list of CuountryGroup objects related to a user.

Here is my schema.yml:

  _attributes: { phpName: Customer }
    phpName: Id
    type: INTEGER
    size: '11'
    primaryKey: true
    autoIncrement: true
    required: true

  _attributes: { phpName: CustomerCountryGroup }
    phpName: Id
    type: INTEGER
    size: '10'
    primaryKey: true
    autoIncrement: true
    required: true
    phpName: CustomerId
    type: INTEGER
    size: '10'
    required: false
    foreignTable: Customers
    foreignReference: id
    onDelete: CASCADE
    onUpdate: RESTRICT
    phpName: CountryGroupId
    type: INTEGER
    size: '10'
    required: false
    foreignTable: CountryGroups
    foreignReference: id
    onDelete: CASCADE
    onUpdate: RESTRICT

  _attributes: { phpName: CountryGroup }
    phpName: Id
    type: INTEGER
    size: '11'
    primaryKey: true
    autoIncrement: true
    required: true

Do you know where I can find some tutorial/solution of this problem?

Many thanks


  • Symfony should generate multiple selects for you, if that's what you mean by embedded. This, as opposed to actually being able to edit Countries from a Customer. I believe you need to set the IDs in the reference table as PKs, then symfony will do its thing:

      _attributes: { phpName: CustomerCountryGroup }
        phpName: CustomerId
        type: INTEGER
        required: true
        primaryKey: true
        foreignTable: Customers
        foreignReference: id
        onDelete: CASCADE
        onUpdate: CASCADE
        phpName: CountryGroupId
        type: INTEGER
        required: true
        primaryKey: true
        foreignTable: CountryGroups
        foreignReference: id
        onDelete: CASCADE
        onUpdate: CASCADE