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LDAP binding on Windows vs. VCE

I have been given the simple task to do Windows authentication against the AD from a Windows Compact 7 device in a C# app. Now - 14 days later I'm still struggling, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Anyway - what I’ve managed to come up with so far is doing Windows authentication on my PC using the wldap32.dll. I’m far from a C++ expert, and with Visual C++ even less so, so bear with me. Here is my C++ code:

EXPORT_METHOD unsigned long Authenticate(char *userName, char *password, char *domain)
    unsigned long result = 0;

    unsigned short *uUserName = (unsigned short *)userName;
    unsigned short *uPassword = (unsigned short *)password;
    unsigned short *uDomain = (unsigned short *)domain;

    PWCHAR hostName = NULL;
    LDAP* pLdapConnection = NULL;
    ULONG version = LDAP_VERSION3;

    size_t origsize = strlen("ELLAB.COM") + 1;
    size_t convertedChars = 0;
    wchar_t wcstring[100];
    mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, wcstring, origsize, "ELLAB.COM", _TRUNCATE);
    wcscat_s(wcstring, L" (wchar_t *)");
    hostName = wcstring;

    //  Initialize a session. LDAP_PORT is the default port, 389.
    pLdapConnection = ldap_init(hostName, LDAP_PORT);

    if (pLdapConnection == NULL)
        #ifdef DEBUG
        AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to Init"));
        #endif // DEBUG
        result = 0xff;
        //  Set the version to 3.0 (default is 2.0).
        result = ldap_set_option(pLdapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, (void*)&version);
        if (result != LDAP_SUCCESS)
            #ifdef DEBUG
            AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to Set Optins"));
            #endif // DEBUG
            // Connect to the server.
            result = ldap_connect(pLdapConnection, NULL);
            if (result != LDAP_SUCCESS)
                #ifdef DEBUG
                AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to Connect"));
                #endif // DEBUG
                //  Be aware that the password itself is never sent over the network, and encryption is not used.
                SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY NtAuthIdentity;
                ZeroMemory(&NtAuthIdentity, sizeof(NtAuthIdentity));
                NtAuthIdentity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE;

                NtAuthIdentity.Domain = uDomain;
                NtAuthIdentity.DomainLength = sizeof(uDomain);
                NtAuthIdentity.User = uUserName;
                NtAuthIdentity.UserLength = sizeof(uUserName);
                NtAuthIdentity.Password = uPassword;
                NtAuthIdentity.PasswordLength = sizeof(uPassword);

                //if (ldap_bind_s(pLdapConnection, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE) == LDAP_SUCCESS)
                result = ldap_bind_s(pLdapConnection, NULL, (PWCHAR)&NtAuthIdentity, LDAP_AUTH_NTLM);
                //if (result != LDAP_SUCCESS)
                    #ifdef DEBUG
                    AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to Bind using ldap_bind_s"));
                    #endif // DEBUG
                    result = ldap_bind(pLdapConnection, NULL, (PWCHAR)&NtAuthIdentity, LDAP_AUTH_NTLM);
                    if (result != LDAP_SUCCESS)
                        #ifdef DEBUG
                        AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to Bind using ldap_bind"));
                        #endif // DEBUG

        //  Normal cleanup and exit.

    return result;

And my C# sample wrapper:

[DllImport(@"C:\Users\ckbn.ELLAB\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\WCE7_LDAP\Debug\LDAPHandler.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern int Authenticate(string userName, string password, string domain);

    private void buttonAuthenticate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBoxResult.Text = "";
            LDAPReturns result = (LDAPReturns)Authenticate(textBoxUserName.Text, textBoxPassword.Text, textBoxDomain.Text);
            switch (result)
                case LDAPReturns.LDAP_SUCCESS:
                    textBoxResult.Text = "User '" + textBoxUserName.Text + "' is authenticated";
                    textBoxResult.Text = result.ToString();
        catch (Exception ex) { textBoxResult.Text = "Failed: " + ex.ToString(); }

So - using the above code I can authenticate with my own credentials on my PC. Running the same code on the WCE device, I can connect to the AD server, but when I try to ldap_bind_s, it returns LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED. So I’m thinking the the ARM version of the wldap32.dll is different from the x86 version.

Then I tried to use the ldap_bind (without ‘_s’) method. This is not working nighter on my PC nor on the WCE device and always returns 0xFFFF_FFFF.

So basically my questions are:

What does LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED means, and what other methods do I have on a WCE7 device? and

What does it means when ldap_bind returns 0xFFFF_FFFF?

But any input or suggestion would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • Did the vendor of your WEC7 device include the LDAP feature in the OS build?

    Or, if the vendor is you, did you specify SYSGEN_LDAP in your Platform Builder project?

    Try checking the ceconfig.h file in the \Windows directory of your device if you have access to that.