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How would I get the amount of weekdays in a month with LocalDate - Java

How would I go about getting the number of weekdays (Monday though Friday) in a month with LocalDate? I've never used java.time before so I don't know all of its workings. I've been looking on this site to no avail along with searching for an answer. I also do not want to use any external libraries.

Example: As of this month, April of 2018, there are 21 weekdays. And next month there is 23 weekdays.


  • If desired, see optimized brute-force solution at the end

    Here is a non-brute-force implementation to calculate week days (Mon-Fri) in a month.

    It uses YearMonth instead of LocalDate, since the day-of-month value is meaningless to the calculation.

    public static int weekDaysInMonth(YearMonth yearMonth) {
        int len = yearMonth.lengthOfMonth(); // 28-31, supporting leap year
        int dow = yearMonth.atDay(1).getDayOfWeek().getValue(); // 1=Mon, 7=Sun
        return (dow <= 5 ? Math.min(len - 8, 26 - dow) : Math.max(len + dow - 16, 20));

    Here is an overload taking a LocalDate, so it's easy to call if that's what you have.

    public static int weekDaysInMonth(LocalDate date) {
        return weekDaysInMonth(YearMonth.from(date));


    System.out.println(weekDaysInMonth(LocalDate.parse("2018-04-15"))); // April 15, 2018
    System.out.println(weekDaysInMonth(YearMonth.of(2018, 5)));         // May 2018



    Explanation of Formula

    The formula in the return statement was created by examining the expected return value for every combination of len (number of days in month, 28 - 31) and dow (day-of-week of first day of month, 1=Mon - 7=Sun):

       |  1   2   3   4   5    6   7
       | Mo  Tu  We  Th  Fr   Sa  Su
    28 | 20  20  20  20  20   20  20
    29 | 21  21  21  21  21   20  20
    30 | 22  22  22  22  21   20  21
    31 | 23  23  23  22  21   21  22

    Explanation for dow <= 5 (Mon-Fri)

    Initially there are len - 8 weekdays, i.e. we subtract the 4 weekends that always exist in a month.

    As we get to Thursday and Friday, we need to cap that for the 1 or 2 weekend days we lose. If you look at the 31-day row, we cap it at 26 - dow, i.e. for Friday (dow=5) we cap at 21, and for Thursday (dow=4) we cap at 22. For Monday-Wednesday, we also cap, but cap is equal to or higher than initial calculation, so it doesn't matter.

    Capping is done using min(xxx, cap) method, so we get:

    min(len - 8, 26 - dow)

    Explanation for dow >= 6 (Sat-Sun)

    You can see a small triangle in the lower-right corner. If we extend that pattern, we get:

       |  4   5   6   7
    28 | 16  17  18  19
    29 | 17  18  19  20
    30 | 18  19  20  21
    31 | 19  20  21  22

    As a formula, that is len + dow - 16.

    Comparing that to original grid, numbers bottom out at 20, which is done using max(xxx, bottom) method, so we get:

    max(len + dow - 16, 20)


    Finally we combine the two using ternary conditional operator:

    dow <= 5  ?  min(len - 8, 26 - dow)  :  max(len + dow - 16, 20)

    Full Java statement is then:

    return (dow <= 5 ? Math.min(len - 8, 26 - dow) : Math.max(len + dow - 16, 20));

    Brute-Force Solution

    If you prefer a brute-force solution, you can ease it by skipping the first 4 weeks that always exists in a month:

    public static int weekDaysInMonth(LocalDate refDate) {
        LocalDate firstOfMonth = refDate.withDayOfMonth(1);
        LocalDate nextMonth = firstOfMonth.plusMonths(1);
        int days = 20;
        for (LocalDate date = firstOfMonth.plusDays(28); date.isBefore(nextMonth); date = date.plusDays(1))
            if (date.getDayOfWeek().getValue() <= 5) // 1=Mon - 5=Fri, i.e. not 6=Sat and 7=Sun
        return days;