I have a websphere application server for my project in RAD and i am treying to inject objects with ejb.Here are my files
public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
@EJB UserService userService;
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String username=request.getParameter("username");
String password=request.getParameter("password");
String a = userService.authorize(username, password);
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("servlet2");
rd.forward(request, response);
out.print("Sorry UserName or Password Error!");
RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("/index.html");
rd.include(request, response);
UserService (also tried @ejb instead of @Inject for the dao)
public class UserService{
protected UserDAO userDAO;
public String authorize(String username,String password)
return this.userDAO.authenticate(username, password);
public class UserDAO extends GenericDAOJpaImpl<User, String>
public String authenticate(String username,String password)
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("username", username);
params.put("password", password);
User user= findSingleByNamedQueryAndNamedParams(User.AUTHENTICATE, params);
return "TRUE";
The interceptor
public class ApplicationEntityManagerInterceptor
public Object joinTransaction(InvocationContext context) throws Exception
Object emAux = context.getParameters()[0];
if(emAux instanceof EntityManager){
EntityManager em = (EntityManager) emAux;
return context.proceed();
And inside web.xml
My problem is that the userService is created normaly but the DAO object inside the service is null.What should i do.I created this based on another project but that project works normally and i dont get it.In the other project the DAO is not any xml for any kind of configuration
UPDATE the GenericDAOJpaImpl @Stateless @Interceptors(ApplicationEntityManagerInterceptor.class) public class GenericDAOJpaImpl {
protected Class<T> entityClass;
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "TEST_SQL")
protected EntityManager em;
public GenericDAOJpaImpl() {
ParameterizedType genericSuperclass = (ParameterizedType) getClass()
this.entityClass = (Class<T>) genericSuperclass
public T create(T t) ..
public T load(PK id) ..
public T update(T t)..
public void delete(T t) ..
public T save(T t) ..
public Class<T> getEntityClass()..
public Query createNamedQuery(String name)..
public List<T> findByNamedQuery(final String name, Object... params)..
public T findSingleByNamedQuery(final String name, Object... params)..
public List<T> findByNamedQueryAndNamedParams(final String name, final Map<String, ? extends Object> params)..
Update 2: I fixed my problem by doing the following creating a META-INF folder on the ear this time and adding three xml files named application.xml beans.xml and ibm-application-bnd.xml and adding the @Inject annontation above the userDAO
You are using CDI injection here.
- what version of CDI
are you using here?
- Do you have a beans.xml
file in META-INF
of the jar or is CDI scanning implict (Depends on WAS/CDI version and setup) ?
- Does "UserDAO"
qualifies as a CDI bean (ie what is the GenericDAOJpaImpl
You could add some tracing info in a method annoted with @PostConctruct
in UserDAO
to see if it is created by the CDI container