I am facing the exact problem that the title says.
pid_t childpid;
int childfdRead, childfdWrite; // file descriptors for childs
int parentfdsRead[numWorker], parentfdsWrite[numWorker]; // file descriptors for parent
// store the fifo filenames
char *childPipeNameRead[numWorker];
char *childPipeNameWrite[numWorker];
// helper string to construct fifo filenames
char *suffix = (char*)malloc(20*sizeof(char));
char *fifoname = (char*)malloc(20*sizeof(char));
for(i = 0; i < numWorker; i++){
// Fifo filename structure read
sprintf(fifoname, "%s", PATH);
sprintf(suffix, "_childRead%d", i);
childPipeNameRead[i] = strdup(strcat(fifoname, suffix));
mkfifo(childPipeNameRead[i], 0666);
// Fifo filename structure write
sprintf(fifoname, "%s", PATH);
sprintf(suffix, "_childWrite%d", i);
childPipeNameWrite[i] = strdup(strcat(fifoname, suffix));
mkfifo(childPipeNameWrite[i], 0666);
childpid = fork();
if(childpid < 0){
else if(childpid == 0){
// Open read and write pipes on childs.
if((childfdRead = open(childPipeNameRead[i], O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
perror("child pipe:");
printf("Child with id %d opened pipe with name %s\n", getpid(), childPipeNameRead[i]);
if((childfdWrite = open(childPipeNameWrite[i], O_WRONLY)) < 0)
perror("child pipe:");
printf("Child with id %d opened pipe with name %s\n", getpid(), childPipeNameWrite[i]);
// Open read and write pipes for each child in the parent process.
if((parentfdsRead[i] = open(childPipeNameRead[i], O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
perror("parent pipe:");
printf("Parent with id %d opened pipe with name %s\n", getpid(), childPipeNameRead[i]);
if((parentfdsWrite[i] = open(childPipeNameWrite[i], O_WRONLY)) < 0)
perror("parent pipe:");
printf("Parent with id %d opened pipe with name %s\n", getpid(), childPipeNameWrite[i]);
The program hangs after the parent and one child open their read pipe (parent opens only one of them). Is this normal behaviour? I was expecting it to open all pipes since I am using O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK
for both the parent and the child.
The problem is that you open childPipeNameRead[i]
for reading in both the child and parent process. And similarly you open childPipeNameWrite[i]
for writing in both processes.
You need to do the opposite in one of the processes.