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Dynamic dhtmlx organization Chart using PHP and Json

i have a problem. i don't really understand how should i output this correctly using loops.

Table Data:

| Name               |        Position | 
| MARK NICHOLS       |        Team Lead|  
| NICHOLAS CRUZ      |        Team Lead|
| SEAN PARKER        |       Programmer|
| MICHAEL SHAW       |       Programmer|
| LAURA ALVAREZ      |           Junior|
| JOHN FLORES        |           Junior|

I want is in every 2 fetched data the ID and Parent Variable in json must be change like this.:

while loop of table from above(){

on this part this is the default value in first loop of 2 data

3.1 is a CHILD ID and 3.2

3 is a PARENT ID and 3

                3.1             3.2
                3               3

dynamic loop after the first loop

        CHILD   3.1.1       3.2.1
        PARENT  3.1         3.2
        PARENT  3.1.1       3.2.1

//and so on....


see the child ID of second loop has a value of 3.1.1

after that second loop the child ID of second loop must be use in 3rd loop as a parent ID

let say in every loop of child add .1 . and the parent is the last child loop.

Static Json:

    "id": "3.1",
    "text": "Team Lead",
    "title": "MARK NICHOLS",
    "img": "../common/img/avatar-10.png",
    "parent": "3"
    "id": "3.2",
    "text": "Team Lead",
    "title": "NICHOLAS CRUZ",
    "img": "../common/img/avatar-10.png",
    "parent": "3"
    "id": "3.1.1",
    "text": "Programmer",
    "title": "SEAN PARKER",
    "img": "../common/img/avatar-10.png",
    "parent": "3.1"
    "id": "3.2.1",
    "text": "Programmer",
    "title": "MICHAEL SHAW",
    "img": "../common/img/avatar-8.png",
    "parent": "3.2"
    "id": "",
    "text": "Junior",
    "title": "LAURA ALVAREZ",
    "img": "../common/img/avatar-10.png",
    "parent": "3.1.1"
    "id": "",
    "text": "Junior",
    "title": "JOHN FLORES",
    "img": "../common/img/avatar-8.png",
    "parent": "3.2.1"

Chart Layout Result Of Static Json:

enter image description here

What if i use the Table Data Above And Select All Data Using SQL. this PHP code must be convert like the Static Json Above?

My Trial Code:

$count = 6;
$a = "3.";
$b = "3";
$c = 1;
$e = "";
$f = "";
echo "<pre>";
for ($i=1; $i <=$count; $i++){
    if ($c == 1){
     $d =1;
    if ($c == 2){
        $d = 2;
    echo "{";
    echo "ID:".$a.$c.$e.$f.",";
    $parent = $a.$c.$e.$f;
    echo "Parent:".$parent;
    echo "}";
    if($i == $count){
    echo ",";
    if ($c == 2){
        $c = 0;
       $e =".1";
    $f += $e;


Logical Error Result:


Expected output on my trial code:


Please Help Me, If Someone There Having A Great Knowledge On Json and PHP to output Dynamic dhtmlx chart using loop to Json. Other Method Will Be Accepted.


  • i fix my problem here's my answer on my question:


    $sql = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM `brgy_official_detail` bod 
    INNER JOIN resident_detail rd ON rd.res_ID = bod.res_ID
    LEFT JOIN ref_suffixname rs ON rs.suffix_ID = rd.suffix_ID
    LEFT JOIN ref_position rp ON rp.position_ID = bod.commitee_assignID
    WHERE visibility = 1 AND  position_Name LIKE 'Barangay Official%'");       

    count the query content:

    $count_official = mysqli_num_rows($sql);

    Declaring temp array:

    $name = array();
    $position_Name = array();
    $official_img = array();

    Fetch the data and save to array:

    while($official_data = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
      $suffix = $official_data['suffix'];
       if ($suffix == "N/A") {
         $suffix = "";
          $suffix = $official_data['suffix'];
      $name[] =  $official_data['res_fName'].' '.$official_data['res_mName'].' '.$official_data['res_lName'].' '.$suffix;
      $position_Name[] = $official_data['position_Name'];
      if (isset($official_data['res_Img'])) {
        $z  = $official_data['res_Img'];
        $official_img[] = "data:image/jpeg;base64,".base64_encode($z);
        $official_img[] = "../../Img/Icon/logo.png";

    and then i improve qskane answer:

    function loop(array $parents, $need,$index,$name,$position_Name,$official_img)
        $children = [];
        $isLast = $need === 1;
        $lastKey = count($parents) - 1;
        foreach ($parents as $key => $parent) {
            $p_name = $name[$index];
            $pos_Name = $position_Name[$index];
            $img = $official_img[$index];
            $id = $parent === 3 ? $key + 1 : 1;
            $children[] = $child = "$parent.$id";
            $comma = $isLast && $key === $lastKey ? '' : ',';
            echo "{
            \"text\": \"$pos_Name\",
            \"title\": \"$p_name\",
            \"width\": 350,
            \"img\": \"$img\",
        if ($need) {
            return loop($children, $need,$index,$name,$position_Name,$official_img);
        return $children;
    $index = 0;
    loop([3], $count_official,$index,$name,$position_Name,$official_img);

    Result: enter image description here