Disclaimer: This is probably not the best solution given the issue, but I'm curious how this implementation could be achieved.
Problem I'm trying to deal with some legacy code which has a singleton defined like bellow:
public class LegacySingleton {
private static Boolean value;
public static void setup(boolean v) {
if (value != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Already Set up");
value = v;
System.out.println("Setup complete");
public static void teardown() {
value = null;
System.out.println("Teardown complete");
public static boolean getValue() {
return value;
I do not have the ability to change this design and the class is used heavily throughout the code base. The values returned by this singleton can greatly change the functionality of the code. Eg:
public class LegacyRequestHandler {
public void handleRequest() {
if (LegacySingleton.getValue()) {
System.out.println("Path A");
} else {
System.out.println("Path B");
Right now if I want the code to take Path A
, then I have to initialize LegacySingleton
in a particular way. If I then want to take Path B
I have to re-initialize the LegacySingleton
. There is no way of handling requests in parallel which take different paths; meaning for each different configuration of LegacySingleton
required I need to launch a separate JVM instance.
My Question Is it possible to isolate this singleton using separate class loaders? I've been playing around with the ClassLoader
API, but I cant quite figure it out.
I'm imagining it would look something along the lines of this:
public class LegacyRequestHandlerProvider extends Supplier<LegacyRequestHandler> {
private final boolean value;
public LegacyRequestHandlerProvider(boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public LegacyRequestHandler get() {
return new LegacyRequestHandler();
ClassLoader loader1 = new SomeFunkyClassLoaderMagic();
Supplier<LegacyRequestHandler> supplier1 = loader1
ClassLoader loader2 = new SomeFunkyClassLoaderMagic();
Supplier<LegacyRequestHandler> supplier2 = loader2
LegacyRequestHandler handler1 = supplier1.get();
LegacyRequestHandler handler2 = supplier2.get();
Does plain simple reflection work at specific points in time, where you want the output of getValue
to change?
Field f = LegacySingleton.class.getDeclaredField("value");
f.set(null, true|false);
If not, For the Classloader approach, you can follow a Plugin architecture. But as others have noted, this may boil down to the whole dependencies being loaded on 2 different Classloader hierarchies. Also, you may face LinkageError
issues, depending on how the dependencies work in your codebase.
Inspired by this post:
class and do not include in the application/main classpath.Have a wrapper invoker that will initialise the class loader with the jar path providing LegacySingleton
class, e.g.
new ParentLastURLClassLoader(Arrays.asList(new URL[] {new URL("path/to/jar")}));
Post that, you can load the singleton in it's class loader space and obtain copies.
//2 different classloaders
ClassLoader cl1 = new ParentLastURLClassLoader(urls);
ClassLoader cl2 = new ParentLastURLClassLoader(urls);
//LegacySingleton with value = true in Classloader space of cl1
cl1.loadClass("LegacySingleton").getMethod("setup", boolean.class).invoke(null, true);
//LegacySingleton with value = false in Classloader space of cl1
cl2.loadClass("LegacySingleton").getMethod("setup", boolean.class).invoke(null, false);
) and trigger execution. NOTE that you shouldn't refer to the classes in the Legacy code directly in the main class, as then they will be loaded using Java primordial/application class loader.