I have the following query, and I want to group the result by the month instead of the full date. Is there any easy way to achieve that ? noting that I am using the SqlKata library
Expected Result
Month | Balance
1 | 100
2 | 150
3 | 300
Instead of
Date | Balance
-------- |------
2018-01-01 | 100
2018-01-02 | 90
..... | ....
2018-02-01 | 150
My current code is:
var balances = db.Query("Balances")
.WhereBetween("Date", from, to)
.Select("sum([Balance]) as Balance")
You have GroupByRaw ( and SelectRaw
) Just use a database built in functions to get the month. Let's supose you are working with SQL Server and MONTH function:
var balances = db.Query("Balances")
.WhereBetween("Date", from, to)
.Select("sum([Balance]) as Balance")
Disclaimer: check your database brand docs for date functions to know how to get month from date in your case.