I'm passing a multipartFile from controller to service and inside the service trying to create Blob from this multipartFile. The problem is that the files I'm using are really big (4-5 gb ) and I get "java heap space" error ( no I cannot allocate more memory to the application)
Is there any way to stream it or sth? I'm using java 7
service code:
def uploadFile(MultipartFile file){
Sql sql = utilsService.retrieveSQLFromDataSource()
Blob blob = dataSource.connection.createBlob()
blob.setBytes(1, file.bytes)
Here is the relevant part - I'm simulation a large BLOB by writing repeatedly a small chunk.
The important part ist the creation of the temporary BLOB.
def bytes = data.getBytes()
BLOB tempBlob = BLOB.createTemporary(con, true, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
def os = tempBlob.setBinaryStream(0);
20000.times {
int len = tempBlob.length()
println "length $len"
stmt.setBLOB (1,tempBlob)