I'm trying to signal my parent workflow to update its state variable. The parent workflow id is passed to the child workflow's execute
private AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swfClient;
private String swfDomain;
private ParentWorkflowClientExternalFactory clientExternalFactory = new ParentWorkflowClientExternalFactoryImpl(swfClient, swfDomain);
public Promise<String> childActivityMethod(String parentWorkflowId) {
ParentWorkflowClientExternal clientExternal = clientExternalFactory.getClient(parentWorkflowId);
However, this throws a NullPointerException
in SWF code (AmazonSimpleWorkflow is null):
When I initialize the ClientExternalFactory
without the parameters:
private ParentWorkflowClientExternalFactory clientExternalFactory = new ParentWorkflowClientExternalFactoryImpl();
The exception thrown is: The required property genericClient is null. It could be caused by instantiating the factory through the default constructor instead of the one that takes service and domain arguments.
does this:
private MyWorkflowState state;
// This method has @Signal in the interface.
public void updateState(MyWorkflowState newState) {
state = newState;
Any advice?
There are two types of clients generated from the workflow interfaces. The internal and external ones. Internal are expected to be used from within a workflow code and external ones to be used outside of a workflow (for example from a web server). You are trying to use an external client inside a workflow which is not supported. Use the internal client (created using ParentWorkflowClientFactory) instead. See Flow Development Guide for more info.