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setoid_rewrite fails in pattern matching scenario

Previously, I was told how to use setoid_rewrite to deal with functional_extensionality. Unluckily, I've found that this nice solution doesn't work in the following scenario. Suppose that we've defined a Monoid class:

Class Monoid (m : Type) :=
{ mzero : m
; mappend : m -> m -> m
Notation "m1 * m2" := (mappend m1 m2) (at level 40, left associativity).

Class MonoidLaws m `{Monoid m} :=
{ left_unit  : forall m, mzero * m = m (* ; other laws... *) }.

If we add pointwise_eq_ext in the picture, monoid_proof becomes trivial:

Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.

Generalizable All Variables.

Instance pointwise_eq_ext {A B : Type} `(sb : subrelation B RB eq)
  : subrelation (pointwise_relation A RB) eq.
  intros f g Hfg.
  apply functional_extensionality.
  intro x.
  apply sb.
  apply (Hfg x).

Example monoid_proof `{ml : MonoidLaws m} :
  (fun m => mzero * m) = (fun m => m).
Proof. now setoid_rewrite left_unit. Qed.

However, if the same monoid expression appears as an argument for option_fold, the tactic fails:

Definition option_fold {A B} (some : A -> B) (none : B) (oa : option A) : B :=
  match oa with
  | Some a => some a
  | None => none

(* Expression is an argument for [option_fold] *)
Example monoid_proof' `{ml : MonoidLaws m} :
  forall om,
    option_fold (fun m => mzero * m) mzero om = option_fold (fun m => m) mzero om.
Proof. intros. now setoid_rewrite left_unit. (* error! *) Qed.

I'm not familiar with the details of setoid_rewrite, but it seems that the pattern matching is conforming a context which is preventing this tactic to execute properly. Is there any way to teach setoid_rewrite how to deal with this kind of situations? I've been trying to provide several subrelation instances, but I lack the theoretical background to understand the whole picture. A general solution would be awesome, but I'd be happy enough with an ad hoc approach to rewrite expressions in the arguments of (nested) invocations of option_fold.


  • The pointwise_eq_ext instance lets you to rewrite in the goals like this one:

    (fun m => mzero * m) = (fun m => m)

    but things break if you have your function inside some context. To fix this you need to add the following subrelation:

    Instance subrel_eq_respect {A B : Type}
             `(sa : subrelation A RA eq)
             `(sb : subrelation B eq RB) :
       subrelation eq (respectful RA RB).
    Proof. intros f g -> a a' Raa'. apply sb. f_equal. apply (sa _ _ Raa'). Qed.

    You might want to take a look at the full code in this Coq Club post by Matthieu Sozeau.