I have a ViewModel which has as an input in its initializer
init(sliderEvents: Reactive<UISlider>) {
In the test i want to do something like
slider.send(.valueChanged, 5)
slider.send(.valueChanged, 15)
To simulate for the VM that the slider was dragged from value 5 to 15 for example
It is unclear to me how RAC has built up the Base: UISlider so i'm confused as to how to make the subclass of UISlider to make this kind of mocking possible
Here's another approach that should work:
protocol SliderProtocol {
var valuesSignal: Signal<Float, NoError> { get }
extension UISlider: SliderProtocol {
var valuesSignal: Signal<Float, NoError> {
return reactive.values
extension Reactive where Base: SliderProtocol {
var values: Signal<Float, NoError> {
return base.valuesSignal
class MockSlider: SliderProtocol {
let mockValue = MutableProperty<Float>(0)
var valuesSignal: Signal<Float, NoError> {
return mockValue.signal
Your ViewModel should then init with Reactive<SliderProtocol>
and you could pass the MockSlider
instance to it. Mocking would be as simple as setting mockSlider.mockValue.value = 10