So, i have this login function, where i want to return a Boolean to my .xib controller, where it has to make some modifications, according to the success of the login.
func login(cpf: String) -> Bool {
let url = URL(string: AccessibilityDataAccessProvider.kLoginURL)
let params = ["username": String.init(describing: cpf)]
var success = false
dataAccessProvider.postSimpleResponse(url: url!, params: params)
.subscribe(onNext: { (userToken) in
let userData = UserDefaults.standard
userData.set(userToken, forKey: AccessibilityDataAccessProvider.userTokenKey)
success = true
}, onError: { (error) in
print("Login Error: \(error)")
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
return success
The return from postSimpleResponse() method is an Observable of type Any?.
The thing is, that my login() method is returning before the success boolean variable is set true in the subscribe.
How could i resolve this ?
You can map the Observable to a Bool
observable (Although Bool
is not necessary here, you can just use Void
), and return Observable
from login
Like this:
func login(cpf: String) -> Observable<Bool> {
let url = URL(string: AccessibilityDataAccessProvider.kLoginURL)
let params = ["username": String.init(describing: cpf)]
return dataAccessProvider.postSimpleResponse(url: url!, params: params)
.do(onNext: {
let userData = UserDefaults.standard
userData.set(userToken, forKey: AccessibilityDataAccessProvider.userTokenKey)
.map { _ in
return true
And then observe on it:
login(cpf: "data").subscribe(onNext: { _ in
// Success
}, onError: { _ in
// Failure
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)