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In the coq tactics language, what is the difference between intro and intros

In the Coq tactics language, what is the difference between





  • intro and intros behave differently if no argument is supplied

    According to the reference manual:

    If the goal is neither a product nor starting with a let definition, the tactic intro applies the tactic hnf until the tactic intro can be applied or the goal is not head-reducible.

    On the other hand, intros, as a variant of intro tactic,

    repeats intro until it meets the head-constant. It never reduces head-constants and it never fails.


    Goal not False.
      (* does nothing *)
      (* unfolds `not`, revealing `False -> False`;
         moves the premise to the context *)      

    Note: both intro and intros do the same thing if an argument is supplied (intro contra / intros contra).

    intros is polyvariadic, intro can only take 0 or 1 arguments

    Goal True -> True -> True.
      Fail intro t1 t2.
      intros t1 t2.  (* or `intros` if names do not matter *)

    intro does not support intro-patterns

    Goal False -> False.
      Fail intro [].
      intros [].

    Some information about intro-patterns can be found in the manual or in the Software Foundations book. See also this example of not-so-trivial combination of several intro-patterns.

    intros does not support after / before / at top / at bottom switches

    Let's say we have a proof state like this

    H1 : True
    H2 : True /\ True
    H3 : True /\ True /\ True
    True /\ True /\ True /\ True -> True

    then e.g. intro H4 after H3 will modify the proof state like so:

    H1 : True
    H2 : True /\ True
    H4 : True /\ True /\ True /\ True 
    H3 : True /\ True /\ True

    and intro H4 after H1 will produce

    H4 : True /\ True /\ True /\ True 
    H1 : True
    H2 : True /\ True
    H3 : True /\ True /\ True