I'm trying to make a Java connection with SQL Server, but I'm facing some problemas. I believe I not specifying correctly the database name. My SQL Map is something like
<transactionManager type="JDBC">
<dataSource type="SIMPLE">
<property value="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" name="JDBC.Driver" />
<property value="jdbc:sqlserver://${host}:${port}" name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" />
<property value="${name}" name="JDBC.DatabaseName" />
<property value="${username}" name="JDBC.Username" />
<property value="${password}" name="JDBC.Password" />
I connection is successfully, but when I try to retrieve some value from one of ours tables, it's show the error: Invalid object name '[table name]'
How can I specify my database name in this SQL Map?
Thanks in advance
I always know that JDBC.DatabaseName doesn't exists, but I tried. Now, I try changing this key and I found, in SQLMap docs, Driver.Key is used to set driver properties, so I change JDBC.DatabaseName to Driver.DatabaseName, and It works!!!!!
<transactionManager type="JDBC">
<dataSource type="SIMPLE">
<property value="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" name="JDBC.Driver" />
<property value="jdbc:sqlserver://${host}:${port}" name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" />
<property value="${name}" name="Driver.DatabaseName" />
<property value="${username}" name="JDBC.Username" />
<property value="${password}" name="JDBC.Password" />