I'm looking at this Boost example code for two processes sharing a mutex and condition variable between them:
but I don't understand how the mutex-condition variable design here can work.
The initial process calls:
for(int i = 0; i < NumMsg; ++i){
scoped_lock<interprocess_mutex> lock(data->mutex); // Take mutex
data->cond_full.wait(lock); // Wait
if(i == (NumMsg-1))
std::sprintf(data->items, "%s", "last message");
std::sprintf(data->items, "%s_%d", "my_trace", i);
//Notify to the other process that there is a message
data->cond_empty.notify_one(); // Notify
//Mark message buffer as full
data->message_in = true;
and the second process calls:
bool end_loop = false;
scoped_lock<interprocess_mutex> lock(data->mutex); // Take mutex
data->cond_empty.wait(lock); // Wait
if(std::strcmp(data->items, "last message") == 0){
end_loop = true;
//Print the message
std::cout << data->items << std::endl;
//Notify the other process that the buffer is empty
data->message_in = false;
data->cond_full.notify_one(); // Notify
To call wait()
or notify()
either process must hold the shared mutex, so if one process is on wait()
the other surely cannot call notify()
wait releases the mutex while waiting, so the other thread can acquire the mutex and perform the notify. Also see the description on https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/doc/html/interprocess/synchronization_mechanisms.html#interprocess.synchronization_mechanisms.conditions.conditions_whats_a_condition.