I started using Node-Red to develop an MQTT dashboard, I just starting with a simple example to subscribe to a topic and debug the message. However, I couldn't get the json value of my message and convert it from base64 to a string.
my message looks as fellow:
I want to extract the body message and convert it.
I already tried this function after using a JSONconverter:
return msg.payload.body;
but I got his error: "Function tried to send a message of type string"
Best regards
A Function node must return a message object - not an plain value. That is why you are getting the error messaging telling you the Function is sending a String.
If you want the payload of the message it sends to be that string value, you would do:
msg.payload = msg.payload.body;
return msg;
For that type of thing, you would be better served using the Change node to move msg.payload.body
to msg.payload