I can't find a straightforward answer to this. How do I refer to parts of an element without using magic numbers?
In this case I am trying to place values of several cells from a row from an HTML table into variables:
const age = personRow.cells[1].innerText;
const sex = personRow.cells[2].innerText;
I've had this issue before when using Google Sheets API to manipulate spreadsheets. You could just do:
const AGE_COL = 1;
const SEX_COL = 2;
const age = personRow.cells[AGE_COL].innerText;
const sex = personRow.cells[SEX_COL].innerText;
For simple code this works and is fairly self-documenting. However, you may need to handle several different types of table "structure". My solution to this is:
const FIELDS = {
AGE: 1,
SEX: 2
const age = personRow.cells[FIELDS.PERSON.AGE].innerText;
const sex = personRow.cells[FIELDS.PERSON.SEX].innerText;
I find this to be even more readable and easier to extend.