I'm trying to reference thread a from thread b, I essentially want to use the getN() method in B class/thread, any help is appreciated
//// class help {
///// main {
Thread a = new Thread(new A());
Thread b = new Thread(new B(a));
class A implements Runnable {
private static int tally;
public void run() {
public int getN() {
tally = 6;
return tally;
class B implements Runnable {
private A aref;
public B(A ref){
public void run() {
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////
In order to construct an object of class B you need a reference to object of class A, not to the object of class Thread. So this should work:
A objA = new A();
Thread a = new Thread(objA);
Thread b = new Thread(new B(objA));