This question is about if ReSharper supports such a thing and how to turn such a rule check on. This is not a question about a particular coding style or standard choice or merit.
I am trying to automate checking for (and ideally replacement) of various C# return code patterns. In particular I wish to detect the following and have resharper make a hint/suggestion
return SomeFunc(someArgs);
return condition ? litteralA : litteralB;
return someObject.SomeFunction();
The following do not need to be highlighted (but I would accept them being picked up as innocent bystanders)
return someObject.SomePropertyOrField;
The following must not be falsely detected/highlighted (ideally ReSharper would do the simple transformation if possible)
var someVal = SomeFunc(someArgs);
return someVal;
var result = condition ? litteralA : litteralB;
return result;
var state = someObject.SomeFunction();
return state;
return SomeClass.SomeConst;
return true;
return 0;
return LocalConst;
Can the latest release of ReSharper do this and if so how can I configure it to do it
I cannot see how I would do it from the feature list or by looking through the inspection options of a trial version of ReSharper; but I don't know what such a rule would be called if it was in fact there. If it is in fact possible then I would like to know before having to write my code inspection utility.
I'm not going to go into why you want this; I'm sure you have a reason (which would be awesome if you share with the rest of us), but here's one solution:
You can use Custom Patterns
(Options | Code Inspection | Custom Patterns) like this:
See more information here: ReSharper - Structural Search and Replace