I hope someone here has used the Blink.jl package for building Julia and Electron apps.
I am having problems setting up and using it, though. The issue is with all of the functions in the api provided: load/loadcss/loadjs/importhtml. They do not seem to work, or I might be doing something wrong.
For example:
loadcss!(w, "styles.css")
does not apply any of the styles in the styles files in the directory.
importhtml!(w, 'index.html')
does not display the html page stored in the local directory. The app shows a blank screen.
I might be doing something wrong as i could not find documentation on how to use the package
I think I found out why, the methods take the full path and not the relative paths, even if files are inside the same folder. So, something like this works:
loadcss!(w, "D:\project\styles.css")
but this won't work:
loadcss!(w, "styles.css")