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How to attach plugin's function to dynamic created elements in JQuery?

I was attached the JQuery UI Selectable to an UL element.But the li item which inside were dynamic created.And of course, I couldn't make selection of them.So, How to attach plugin's function to dynamic created elements in JQuery!?


<ul id="selectable">
    <li class="dataItem">item dynamic created here but you can't select me</li>



JQuery code:

$( "#selectable" ).selectable();

and where I use delegate or live!?

the way the delegate and live usage is to bind events in this way:

  // do something here

but the selectable plugin's events are:

Supply a callback function to handle the selected event as an init option.

$( ".selectable" ).selectable({
   selected: function(event, ui) { ... }

and the newly added item didn't get the selectable plugin's state like:


So,should I re-attach the plugin at every time when a new item added!?

Thank you very much!!


  • use .live() or .delegate()

    well, for your update, call $( "#selectable" ).selectable(); right after the time you have attach #selectable element in the DOM.

    for example,

        alert('I will not fire');
    $('body').append('<ul id="selectable"><li class="dataItem">item</li></ul>');
        alert('I will fire');

    alert('I will fire'); will be the only alert triggered.