I want to pass an argument to a user form. The solution that I tried is to set a home made property of my userform (which name is InformationMissing), setting a private variable. Here's the code of my UserForm
Private msMsg As String
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox msMsg
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
txtLabel1.Caption = "hello" & msMsg
End Sub
Property Let MyProp(sText As String)
msMsg = sText
End Property
I'm using this Userform from another sub that sets the MyProp property to a String ("aa" in this case):
Sub ShowFormProp()
Dim myForm As InformationMissing
Set myForm = New InformationMissing
myForm.MyProp = "aa"
End Sub
What I want to do here is to have "helloaa" prined in my UserForm but I only get "hello". However, when I click the CommandButton1, I get "aa". This means that the property has correctly been set but is not passed to txtLabel1.
Do you have any ideas?
Thanks in advance
is not the correct place to put txtLabel1.Caption = "hello" & msMsg
, if you want the caption to reflect changes to the private string variable. Initialize
will always be executed before you can access any of the form's properties.
In your case a good solution would be to perform the changes you want directly in the property procedure.
Property Let MyProp(sText As String)
msMsg = sText
' You can also put the caption change in its own sub, if you want more things to happen when you change it
txtLabel1.Caption = "hello" & msMsg
End Property
Edit: And to reflect what @LatifaShi said in the comments to your question: You've got a typo in there. msMgs
and msMsg
are not the same variable. Always use Option Explicit
at the beginning of each module to prevent this and and many more problems.