The Kibana documentation says:
When lucene is selected as your query language you can also submit queries using the Elasticsearch Query DSL.
However, whenever I try to enter such a query in the Discover pane, I get a parse error. These are queries that work fine in the Dev Tools pane.
For example, if I try even a simple query like this:
{"query":{"match_phrase":{"summary":"stochastic noise"}}}
I get the following error:
Discover: [parsing_exception] no [query] registered for [query], with { line=1 & col=356 }
Error: [parsing_exception] no [query] registered for [query], with { line=1 & col=356 }
at respond (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:111:161556)
at checkRespForFailure (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:111:160796)
at http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:105:285566
at processQueue (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:132456)
at http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:133349
at Scope.$digest (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:144239)
at Scope.$apply (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:147018)
at done (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:100026)
at completeRequest (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:104697)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (http://<mydomain>:5601/bundles/vendors.bundle.js?v=16602:58:105435)
(I've removed my domain above and replaced with <mydomain>
The above query works fine and returns results using cURL on the command line, or using
GET /_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"summary": "stochastic noise"
In the Dev Tools console.
I'm hoping to use the more_like_this
query from the Discover panel, so (I think) I will need to use the Query DSL and not just use the straight lucene query syntax. But if there's a way to use the specialty queries like that using straight lucene (or kuery) that would be great.
The reason is simply because the input box only supports whatever you include inside the query
section, so if you input this, it will work:
{"match_phrase":{"summary":"stochastic noise"}}
It makes sense if you think about it, i.e. the aggs
section makes no sense in the Discover pane and the from/size
attributes are already taken care of by the default settings.
If you look at the full query DSL, you'll see that there are several sections: query
, aggs
, from
, size
, _source
, highlight
, etc. In the Discover pane, you should only specify whatever goes into the query
section, nothing else.