In my class when I try to make a getter or a setter I get this error
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
My code is this
class Item {
constructor(n) {this._name = n};
get name() {return this._name};
var x = new Item('test')
var newItem = 'New Item: '
Getters and Setters will create a pseudo-property with their respective name for the object created by your Class. Thus you can control them without calling them like a function. For Getters:
class Item {
constructor(n) {this._name = n};
get name() {return this._name};
var x = new Item('test')
var newItem = 'New Item: '
And for Setters:
class Item {
constructor(n) {this._name = n};
get name() {return this._name};
set name(n) {this._name = n};
var x = new Item('test') = "foo";
var newItem = 'New Item: '
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