There are some posts concerning std::string::find (like this one here and this one too) but I have a somewhat different situation:
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string haystack = "ab\\x10c\200\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00";
std::string needle = "\\x00";
printf("first index is %d\n",(int) haystack.find(needle));
return 0;
According to the values I'm wondering why 8 is returned:
I guess "\200" is counted as 1 character (?)
Can I make find
treat "\\x10"
as 1 character too?
All works properly
| a | b | \ | x | 1 | 0 | c | \200 | \ | x | 0 | 0 |
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | | |
becomes one char \
. It seems you wanted \xNN
with one \
Even if you replace \\
with \
in the literal string, it will not work, since the first \x00
will be treated as terminating zero and other chars after it will be ignored. I guess that the initialization of strings should be like below:
std::string haystack = {'a', 'b', '\x10', 'c', '\200', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00', '\x00'};
std::string needle = {'\x00'};
The program will output 5.