If DataSource gets json that is formated this way:
"ProductID": 1,
"ProductName": "Chai",
"UnitPrice": 18,
"UnitsInStock": 39,
"Discontinued": false
}, {
"ProductID": 2,
"ProductName": "Chang",
"UnitPrice": 19,
"UnitsInStock": 17,
"Discontinued": false
}, {
"ProductID": 3,
"ProductName": "Aniseed Syrup",
"UnitPrice": 10,
"UnitsInStock": 13,
"Discontinued": false
I can then display data in template that way:
#: ProductName#"
What if my json data is nested inside one key:
How to display data that is nested in one key? It can't be done by #: products.ProductName#"
I'm using "transport" field in DataSource
var items = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: "{{ path('api_products_list') }}",
dataType: "json"
schema: {
model: {}
pageSize: 14,
How about kendoPager that also use this dataSource
dataSource: items
with dataSource changed to:
schema: {
data: "products"
pager only show first page and don't recognize there are more of them. (But json products are above 200, and pageSize: 14,)
Define DataSource's property schema.data
and set the property in your data which contains the array you want to work with:
dataSource: {
data: {
schema: {
data: "products"
Demo or using templates.