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How to use extent reports for individual steps

How can we use extent report logs for individual steps. My main test is as follows

@Test(testName = "Validate SinglePage and Multiple Page", enabled = true, priority = 1, groups = {"Section Formatting"})
	public void SingleSection(String username, String password, String viewName, String r1, String r2, String r3, String r4, String r5, String SecItem1, String SecItem2, String DispStyle, String fType) throws InterruptedException {
		extentTest = extent.startTest("SingleSection");
		extentTest.log(LogStatus.INFO, "Login to the system");
		login.loginToTenant(username, password);
		extentTest.log(LogStatus.INFO, "Access the content menu");
		// select view from content menu button
		extentTest.log(LogStatus.INFO, "Select the view");
		// choose view
		extentTest.log(LogStatus.INFO, "Create the report");
		// create the report in report builder
		createChart.createReport(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
		extentTest.log(LogStatus.INFO, "Add fields to sections");
		// Adds fields to sections
		sections.dragAndDropToSections(SecItem1, SecItem2);

For example If I want to put steps for one of the methods ex- loginToTenant, the system throughs null value exception error.

the code for the method loginToTenant is as follows

public class loginPage extends ConfigReader {
	WebDriver driver;
  public ExtentReports extent;
	public ExtentTest extentTest;

	public loginPage(WebDriver driver) {
		this.driver = driver;


	// locators for login page
	By userName ="email");
	By password ="password");
	By submitButton ="logonButton");
	By licenseWarning = By.partialLinkText("Click Here To Continue");
	By plusButton = By.className("create-menu-container");
	By banner = By.className("i4sidenav_width");
	By logout ="logoffBtn");

	 * perform login to yellowfin and verify successful login
	 * @param uName
	 * @param passwd
	 * @return
	public String loginToTenant(String uName, String passwd) {

		String loginmsg = null;
		long d = 1000;
		try {
      extentTest.log(LogStatus.INFO, "Login to the system"); //I am getting an error on this line with null pointer exception


  • If you wants to create individual steps for loginToTenant method, you can create extentReport in loginPage class similarly. And it will create individual steps for it.