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knn3 in caret package, train() function - R

I'm trying to run a knn with train() function with the knn3 method:

model_KNN <- train(Y ~ ., training, method = "knn3", trControl = trainControl(
method = "cv", number = 10, verboseIter = TRUE)

However, it gives me the next error:

Error: Model knn3 is not in caret's built-in library

And I have installed caret package like this (and it works with my other functions too):


And also you can see the method knn3 in train() function:

And it doesn't work. Why?


  • It looks like you're looking at an older version of the package documentation (4.18) but are most likely running the latest version (6.0-79).

    It appears that knn3 may have been renamed to knn at some point, although I cannot find evidence of that other than the fact that knn3 is missing and replaced with knn.

    You can run names(getModelInfo()) for a list of the different arguments available for the model parameter. There is also a list of models found here.