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CKError when querying system field: rejected "Unknown Field 'createdAt'"

I am sorting the createdAt system field like this:

query.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "createdAt", ascending: false)]

and get the following error:

CKError 0x1c4447fb0: "Invalid Arguments" (12/2018); server message = "Unknown field 'createdAt'"; uuid = 9C450848-2449-4892-93BC-C46363203042; container ID = "...

I am able to query and sort fields that I create in this manner. Anything different with a system field? The field's index is sortable and queryable.


  • Use creationDate for the key, instead. The meta keys in the CK dashboard vary slightly from the ones used for queries. Here's a list of meta keys:

    recordID: CKRecordID
    The unique ID of the record.
    recordType: String
    The app-defined string that identifies the type of the record.
    creationDate: Date?
    The time when the record was first saved to the server.
    creatorUserRecordID: CKRecordID?
    The ID of the user who created the record.
    modificationDate: Date?
    The time when the record was last saved to the server.
    lastModifiedUserRecordID: CKRecordID?
    The ID of the user who last modified the record.
    recordChangeTag: String?
    A string containing the server change token for the record.