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adding span tag with new id before each round bracket

I have some text with something like verse references, that I need to add a span tag automatically (when the page is accessed) with an new id before each round bracket.


<p>some text (Jn 1:2), more text sentences (Gn 5-12, 23 ref) and more etc.</p>


<p>some text <span id="1">(Jn 1:2)</span>, more text sdfkljgdf <span id="2">(Gn 5-12, 23)</span> and more etc.</p>

So it adds the span tag around each round brackets ( ) even if they are not in the same line (if the closing ) is in another line of the code).

I tried something like the following.. and I am open for anything that works using php or Javascript..

var myString_before = str.split("(")[count];
//alert (myString_before);

//get all text before )
var myString_after = myString_before.split(")")[0];
alert(" ref: " + myString_after);

if (x != true) {
    $('span').each(function (k) {
        var replace_str = $(this).html().replace(/\(/g, '<div 
        style="display: inline" id= "' + pos + '">(</div>');
x = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[count].hasAttribute("style");


  • You can use a mix of jQuery's .html() and String.replace:

    let i = 0;
    $('p').html((_, oldHtml) => 
      oldHtml.replace(/\([^)]+\)/g, match => `<span id="${++i}">${match}</span>`)
    <script src=""></script>
    <p>some text (Jn 1:2), more text sentences (Gn 5-12, 23 ref) and more etc.</p>

    (The regexp simply matches anything between parentheses, including them.)